PIHA - Paranormal Investigations of Historic America (piha)

PIHA (Paranormal Investigations of Historic America)We are working to bring the past alive!PIHA is a free, non-profit service, registered in Washington State that was created specifically for paranormal investigations of historic sites and museums.PIHA uses today's technology in electronic equipment, PC's and software programs to obtain possible evidence of paranormal activity in the historic sites that we investigate. Our procedures for paranormal investigating is primarily based on science and logic in obtaining evidence of possible paranormal activity. The objective of PIHA is to create additional public interest in our nations fascinating history by means of obtaining scientific evidence of possible paranormal activity. Once PIHA has conducted its investigation, we then evaluate any empirical evidence that our experienced paranormal investigators were able to obtain, and furnish the results along with a written report to our clients.For additional information concerning PIHA, visit us online at .

Collection: Haunted Ghost of Wellington

1 publication