Dadavani Magazine:

Dadashri’s State of Gnan at the Time of a Relative’s Death (Guj. Dadavani Nov-2022)

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Published by:
Dada Bhagwan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
28 pages Saddle-stitched
atma, DadaBhagwan, Death, fear, fear at the time of death of family member, Gnan, Self Realization, soul

In the current edition, an explanation of the fear that arose at the time of death of close family members in absolutely revered Dadashri’s life, such as His mother and father, His wife etc., as well as the state of His mind within at that time has been provided. Before attaining Gnan, He used to prevail as a witness but after attaining Gnan, He used to prevail as the Knower and Seer; He was able to see even the minutest of thoughts that arose, He was able to set the opposing Knowledge, thus enabling Him to prevail in an unaffected state. The main motive behind compiling this Dadavani is that, in the current situation, we have all at some point in our lives, lost many relatives to an untimely death. Our ardent prayer is that may this very Gnan manifest into conduct at the required time.

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