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Dadavani Magazine:

Let Us Recognize the Extensive Forms of the Ego (Hindi. Dadavani Oct-2020)

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Published by:
Dada Bhagwan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
28 pages Saddle-stitched
akram path, ego, Gnan, gnani purush, gnanvidhi, how to dissolve ego, separation from self, spiritual powers, what is ego made of, who am i

Who are our enemies in this world? Kashay (anger, pride, deceit, and greed)! And whose support do these kashay have? It is of the ego. To believe oneself to be what he is not is ego (ahamkaar) and it is indeed because of this that the world perpetuates. The One whose ego and myness have become completely destroyed, through the grace of such a Gnani Purush, through the spiritual powers of the Gnan Vidhi on the Akram path, one can permanently become free from the living ego within two hours. Now what remains is the discharging ego. After attaining Gnan, as one recognizes this ego, as one understands that the ego is wrong, as it is Seen as separate [from the Self], it gradually dissolves. In the current edition, in order to recognize the ego, its detailed form has been explained. The ardent prayer is that after attaining Gnan, this edition will act as the first step for mahatmas to progress as the Self (Purusharth) by recognizing the form of the discharging ego and clearing it!

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Dadavani Magazine: Let Us Recognize the Extensive Forms of the Ego (Hind...

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