Dadavani Magazine:

Established Awareness of the Pure Soul Is Attained Through Grace of the Gnani (Hindi Dadavani June-2020)

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Published by:
Dada Bhagwan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
28 pages Saddle-stitched
agnas, awareness, dada, divinevision, Gnan, Gnani, gnanipurush, knowledgeoftheself, pratikraman, Samayik, self, soul, vidhi

The Gnani Purush gives the most divine gift in which He bestows the divine Vision that only Sees One’s own state of the Self and that of others. After attaining Knowledge of the Self, now mahatmas who remain in Gnan and the acquaintance of the Gnani to a greater extent, the laksh (established awareness; attentive awareness) of the Self remains for them. The conviction that has set in of the original Self needs to become complete. For that, by following the five Agnas that Dada has given, one should move from the established awareness of the pure Soul to the progression of experience. It shows one his own mistakes at every moment, and it makes one do pratikraman. To attain the state of the experience of the Self, along with the five Agnas, there is just as much importance of vidhi, reading, samayik, and satsang. It is our heartfelt prayer that mahatmas uphold progress as the Self (Purusharth) of following the Agnas, moving forward in the progression of experience of the Self in this very life.

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