International Lens Magazine:

Lens Magazine Issue #66 March 2020

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As we undergo challenging times with the onset of the corona virus, our hearts go out to its victims and their families. The artworld is reeling from the repercussions of the virus, where museums, galleries, and international exhibitions are being closed. At this time, in particular, we feel it is our obligation to continue to carry forth our mission of featuring the strength of humanity through art. In this month's issue, you will find an excellent series by international photographers from all over the globe, featuring their unique approach in a variety of fields, including several articles touching the COVID-19 from a more emotional approach. Enjoy and stay safe!

Participating Photographers: Douglas Edward Caplan | José Jeuland | Daciana Lipai | Anthony Presley | Patty Maher | Debasish Ghosh | Ada Trillo | Muhammad Farhan Bin Osman | Rishabh Gupta |

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International Lens Magazine: Lens Magazine Issue #66 March 2020

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