Rich Alcott (Yakusaru)

Rich Alcott generally thinks of himself as a working news editor and photojournalist who continues to hold a down a job in Vermont. He started a print publishing company, Modern Prometheus, in California in 1973, which seems like, and is, a heck of a long time ago, another century, far, far away. To date, Modern Prometheus has never made a nickel and has kept Alcott grubbing for a living. Modern Prometheus published a series of poetry and short story magazines and broadsides in the day, but also Alcott's 1999 photo manga See For Yourself! in Kagoshima, Japan, and the comic tabloid Atomic Babylon in 2004. Alcott also likes to imagine he's an online content provider for Yakusaru Media, another bogus idea he dreamed up. He posts with some regularity at on the Internets.

Collection: Photobook

1 publication