Anthony Pond (tonypond)

Anthony Pond was blessed with an insatiable curiosity. About the world, about life, about meaning. He follows that curiosity with courage and the conviction that he will prevail over difficulties. Armed with degrees in English, Journalism and Law, he has roamed the world seeking answers. On the way, he has scuba-dived, mountain climbed and tromped through steamy jungles, enjoying the freedom that was instilled in him while growing up.

He grew up around horses, dogs, goats and other animals and developed a sense of responsibility that comes with caring for those animals. Professionally, he practiced criminal law for over twenty years in Orange County, California, all the while continuing his many travels throughout the world. Photography has always been a passion, first starting with film, then digital and now shooting both. He has just published his first book, "Across The Border." a collection of short stories that draw on his early travels and experiences with life. He now lives in Portland, Oregon.

Collection: India Collection

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