Sultry Magazine (SultryMagazine)

Sultry is a Mexican fashion and art photography magazine that celebrates all styles, genders and sizes. Our goal is to make inclusiveness the new normal. We aim to become the first Mexican fashion nudity magazine to include submissions from all over the world and give a voice to everyone that wants it. We focus on storytelling, creating our own big world to get away from the noise. This is a collective sense of diversity that we envision to support all emerging artists around the world. We look for the odd and the bizarre, for fashion and style, modern and atemporal. No matter what your form of art is, you’ll always find a home in our pages. With our strategies and promotions we ensure that you’ll get well known in the future.

We work as a printed international magazine, digital and with Instagram posts and stories. Our mensual issue is aimed to recopilate all the submissions in the timeframe and give a tangible space where your work will be published. Our magazine is available to purchase in our online store.

Follow us on Instagram:@Sultrymag and tag us in your pictures with our hashtag #Sultrymag to get featured on our social media platforms.

Collection: SULTRY

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