Studio Voice (StudioVoice)

The Studio Voice is an online community weaving story, inspiration, poetry, art, and all other forms of expression.

Each quarter, The Studio Voice focuses on a specific theme with the purpose to connect you to your story by sharing the stories of others.

We believe:

Stories are the weft that weaves us together, taking us from the single threads into the fabric of community.

Stories matter. That your story matters.

When you use your unique voice, you are participating in the long chain of artists that span all history and cultures.

Stories are True, whether they are fiction or non-fiction, factual or metaphoric.

There is a story embedded in the way the light hits the wall of your bedroom every afternoon. In the way the tree stump outside looks as it decomposes into dust. In the way the worn out pipes torn out of your basement glow with rust.

Storytelling is an art form and can take many shapes. That all shapes are worthy as long as they speak to the teller and the told.

If your story isn’t told, it will wait inside you until you are ready.

Reading and writing are our birthright.

Telling your story will set you free.

Telling your story gives the gift of freedom and space to others.

Telling our stories gives us access to those deep spaces where we are all tethered to one another, to connect through our common experiences and emotions.

Collection: The Studio Voice

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