Janet Underhill (SolitarySentinels)

Janet Underhill is a music educator who has taught all educational levels from kindergarten through 12th grade and has taught courses in curriculum development at the university level; Roosevelt University, DePaul University, and Vandercook College of IIT in Chicago. She studied music theory with Easley Blackwood, Ralph Edward Dodds, and Robert Abramson.

As a pianist, she worked as pianist for Second City Chicago, Assistant Director and pianist with the Chicago Children’s Choir and with the Theatre School at DePaul Theatre of Chicago. She has directed the Lira Singers in Chicago, and played keyboards in a Big Band, The Revolutionary Swing Orchestra.

As general music/choral teacher at the Latin School of Chicago for 32 years, she developed the music curriculum presented in these pages. Her publications include; Music, Invent Your own with Martha Faulhaber; The Little Book of Rhythm, and this series, MusicTheory4kids, a k-5 curriculum.

As a photographer, she has published photo essays; Solitary Sentinels, Chicago’s Roof Top Water Tanks, and Into the Park and Along the Lake, a photo essay on the seasons in Lincoln Park, Chicago.

Collection: Photography

1 publication