David Whittington (NorCalSkinDiversClub)

NOR CAL Skin Divers Club is a group of divers who dive all year long. The purpose of the club, as stated by the club's constitution is: 1-To encourage conservation of game fish, shell fish, and crustaceans. 2-To stimulate legislation for more and better places of entry to the beaches of California. 3-To help swimmers to become better skin divers. 4-To encourage observation of game laws of the state of California. 5-To promote skin diving as a sport. 6-To promote safety on the beaches as well as in the water. 7-To promote good sportsmanship and co-operation in our club and with other clubs. 8-To provide trophies and prizes for our contests.

If this sounds like your idea of a dive club contact a club officer or go to


Collection: Other Publications

1 publication