Bella Morte Magazine (BellaMorteMagazine)

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Why Bella Morte Magazine? Photography moves me. Bella Morte is going to focus on the "art" aspect of photography. Our photos are going to tell a story. I feel as though a lot of magazines are falling short. They are just full of a bunch of half naked girls standing there with their hands covering their breasts. That is NOT what you are going to find in Bella Morte. Bella Morte is going to focus on the photographer as much as the model. It will be full of dynamic images. Our images of half naked women aren't just girls standing there looking hot, they are photos full of raw emotion that will make your jaw drop and think "WOW!!" Afterall, someone who is a Bella Morte is supposed to render you speechless and that is exactly what our magazine is aiming to do. I want you to flip through the pages and have the word "epic" come to mind. Because that is what Bella Morte will be.

xx Sonja Lux Editor in Chief

Collection: Bella Morte Magazine

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