- Publisher:
- Animals Voice Magazine
- Since:
- 2024
Living in the world by avoiding exploitation and abuse of animals.
Publications in Humane Travel
3 Publications
Humane Travel: Cannon Beach
Travel a vegan and cruelty-free journey to Oregon's spectacular coast. Calendar, profiles, news, and more.
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $12.00 Digital: Free! -
Humane Travel: The Butterfly Effect
Don't just learn how and where to see the spectacular monarch migration, learn how to save their species, too.
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $9.60 Digital: Free! -
Humane Travel: Elephants
Travel humanely throughout the world: know where to visit, how to enjoy animals without exploiting them, and so much more.
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $9.60 Digital: Free!