NFTY HAUS Magazine

Stephen Thomas

NFTY HAUS magazine's first issue, "The Dao Effect," is a captivating exploration of the NOUNS DAO and its adjacent communities in the Web 3 and new tech space. Sponsored by the NOUNS DAO through Prop House and their Hack Week, the magazine showcases the innovative endeavors of the NOUNS DAO. It introduces readers to the NOUNS Cycling Club, Party Nouns, Lil Nouns, Food Nouns, Noun O'Clock, and Gnars DAO. This comprehensive snapshot of decentralized autonomous organizations and their diverse impact underscores the transformative potential of Web 3 technology, making it a compelling read for those fascinated by the future of digital art, innovation, and community-building.

Publications in NFTY HAUS Magazine

1 Publication

  • NFTY HAUS Magazine: The DAO Effect

    NFTY HAUS magazine's first issue, "The Dao Effect," is a captivating exploration of the NOUNS DAO and its adjacent communities in the Web 3 and new…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $15.60 Digital: Free!

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