Conceptus Magazine

Amelia Wysocki

Character art and design belong to a class called concept art. It is about communicating the artist’s vision of how a character might appear in a future context, such as in TV, film, or video games. The entertainment industry uses concept art to visualize its ideas before committing large amounts of talent, time, and money on production. The aspects of each character to be conceived of includes but are certainly not limited to facial and body types, height, physique, skin textures, culture, and fashion styles. Chun-Li, Spock, Micky Mouse, Iron Man... they all began as a scribble. And now, with digital media, new and better versions are created every day. What Conceptus Magazine does is scour the internet for the absolute best character artists. Despite their great talent, many of these artists have yet to be hired by a production studio or even get published, until now.

Publications in Conceptus Magazine

2 Publications

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