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Tempered Socks

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Published by:
Kelli Slack
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
8 pages Saddle-stitched
Crafts & Hobbies
cables, hand knitting, knitting, Socks, textured, top down

There is something about chocolate that speaks to a sensuality in nature. It can be molded and blended and pulled into an array of sensory delights. Much like yarn, chocolate can yield shapes that are both pleasing to the eye and useful in design.

The colorway I originally used in this pattern is called Chocolate Amargo and reminds me of chocolate when it has been tempered, consisting of a smooth yarn with a subtly shiny finish. The twisting cables bring a molded texture to the leg, while simple ribbing hugs the top of the foot. The pattern could be easily extended down the top of the foot, as the cables are rather flat, if you prefer.

This pattern is meant for an adventurous novice knitter or a more experienced mid-level knitter as the cables can be difficult to follow. Please read the entire pattern before beginning.

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Tempered Socks

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