Blue Sky Books:

Promised Land - M. Bruce Hall

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Published by:
Chris Rauschenberg
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
56 pages Perfect-bound
Beach, black and white, Broadway, Hollywood, long beach, los angeles, social documentary, Southern California, street photography, venice beach

The photos in Promised Land were taken between 1981 and 1992, mostly in Los Angeles county. Many of them were made on Broadway, a major north/south artery running through downtown Los Angeles. I was a young, enthusiastic street shooter beginning to find my way in the tradition of Frank, Winogrand, Levitt and all the other great photographic artists who had inspired me. I spent a lot of time walking up and down streets that initially seemed exotic, gradually becoming familiar, until I knew them as a sort of home. These times helped to shape me as a photographer and as a person. I’ve grown older and maybe a bit more jaded since those days, but I will always fondly remember that time and the discoveries I made wandering through the city of Angels.

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Blue Sky Books: Promised Land - M. Bruce Hall

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