DIOGEN magazin special NEW YEARS EVE No.4. Decembar ART 2010

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Published by:
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
80 pages Perfect-bound
Marcos Ribeiro Mendes TUBA

DIOGEN magazin special NEW YEARS EVE No. 4. Decembar ART 2010 - Marcos Ribeiro Mendes TUBA Art...VISIONS OF SPECIFICITY OR SPECIAL VISIONS?

TUBA is an artist of inspiration and a momentum of doing within the creativity of making. His artistic visions goes from the range of possible indications and up to the virtuose reflections of the human everyday life. Characters by TUBA handles characters of Marcos Ribeiro Mendes from Cachoeirinhe, RS, Brazil. Yes, a man, the author who sees the reflections of possible assumptions of the artistic skills of his own inspiration. The strong colors with the blistering satirical deflection directed for the parsing of the tonalities that originates from each historical personality whom he is processing with hus brush and spirit. Whether we are dealing with the archetypal shaping of those two and more centuries ago, or the sources of personality which inspires him from ours, XXI century...CONTINUE READING IN THE MAGAZINE

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DIOGEN: DIOGEN magazin special NEW YEARS EVE No.4. Decembar ART 2010

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