Dadavani Magazine:

The Real Spiritual Effort to Reach 325 Degrees (Guj. Dadavani Dec-2024)

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Published by:
Dada Bhagwan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
28 pages Saddle-stitched
325 degrees, 5 aagnas, atma, DadaBhagwan, intellectual interference, interference, Jagruti, Purusharth, soul, spiritual effort, stages of gnan

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says, “When this Gnan manifested, ‘we’ touched 360 degrees, but ‘we’ could not fully digest the Gnan. That is why it stopped at 356 degrees. ‘We’ are giving you the exact same type of Gnan. ‘You’ need to decide on the goal and do the Purusharth of reaching 325 degrees.” How can you measure whether You have reached 325 degrees? When the intellect diminishes by even 25 to 30 percent, when no one interferes with you nor do you interfere with others, when even the interferences against your own self stops, know that You have reached 325 degrees. The five Agnas are such that they destroy the interferences of the intellect. The ardent prayer is that we [mahatmas] all practice the five Agnas with jagruti and do the Purusharth to climb the stages of Gnan up to 325 degrees.

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