Dadavani Magazine:

The Gnani Explains the Steps of Syadvaad Vani (Hindi Dadavani Dec-2023)

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Published by:
Dada Bhagwan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
28 pages Saddle-stitched
atma, DadaBhagwan, gnanipurush, pratyaksh saraswati, pure speech, Salvation, soul, speech without ego, steps of syadvaad vaani, syadvaad vaani, syadvaad vani, Vitraag vaani

The Gnani’s (the One who has realized the Self and is able to do the same for others; also known as the Gnani Purush) speech is living, it is pratyaksh Saraswati, it is without ego, it is without attachment and abhorrence. His speech is subject to the other person’s worldly interactions, leading many living beings to the path of salvation! When the ego is completely dissolved, when no one in the world is seen as being at fault, when all kashay come to an end, syadvaad vani comes forth. As we observe the vitaraag charitra of the Gnani Purush, as we understand His speech, the causes for vitaraag charitra will be nurtured. It is an ardent prayer that may this current edition give us the exact understanding of the Gnani Purush’s vitaraag, syadvaad vani.

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