• Details
  • Description
Published by:
William Stewart
Square / 8" x 8"
52 pages Perfect-bound

Monique spent time with a transgender community in southern India, near Bengaluru. Overcoming the initial hurdles as an outsider, Monique gained their trust and was accepted by the community. These portraits evoke the beauty and pride they maintain despite the many challenges they endure day-to-day.

Monique Relova has developed her talents and skills to transcend to the realm of seeker…shedder…and sharer of light. In the corners of the earth where the darkness of ignorance, neglect, hatred, cruelty and indifference have permeated, her portraits have managed to open eyes, illuminate minds and inspire hearts. They tell stories, both simple and profound.They elicit emotion, sincere and powerful. They find beauty in the mundane and imperfect.

Also in Albumen Gallery Editions

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Albumen Gallery Editions: Sridevi

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