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Imfruitful November 2022

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Published by:
Alexa Ben-Israel
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
56 pages Perfect-bound
infertility Faith Imfruitful

You, are right now, perfect exactly as you are (imperfections and all) you truly make a difference in this world. You matter. You are enough. You are loved. You are important.You are smart. You are needed.You are created by God for a purpose and season. Your baby will come when the Lord sees fit.⁣ These are some of the things I often think about when I think of each of you in this infertility community. I’m so very grateful that you’re here. Let these pages motivate you while on your journey to success - Do me a favor; will you treat yourself like you would your best friend today?Let’s take a minute to celebrate the miracle that is YOU continuing to show up EVEN THOUGH IT’S HARD. Grab your copy of motivation today !

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2022: Imfruitful November 2022

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