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- Details
- Description
- Published by:
BLVD Magazine
- Published:
- 11/23/2020
- Specs:
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"52 pages Perfect-bound
- Category:
- Fashion & Style
BLVD Magazine Volume 42 Featuring Jasmine Sibai
Cover: Ed Crawl @ dele_vision_photography Cheriece Crawl @cheriece_nicole Jasmine Sibai @jasmine_official Mei Yang @mixyiphotos
Inside: Cecilie Hjorth @celiahjorth Yaiza @everythinghasbeauty_bcn Angie Lunares @angielunares Cherry Massia @cherrymassia Kamil Jurczyński @jurczynski_fotografia Klaudia Zimny Ira Slivinska Irina Grechanikova McKenna May Patrick Vanessa Rasie @nessarasie Morgan Riley @blkmook Diamond Ebony McCoy (Ebony Woodz) @ebonywoodz__ Andrey Torbeevsky @torbeevsky Alena Nagicheva @envoleemodels @alena9440 Mariia Konkova @konkova_makeup_ Alena Klyagina @alena_klyagina 28school @28school Klara Puzoń HELVETHET @helvethet Balint Nemes @balintnemes Laura Zolyomi @zolyomilauramadeinhungary Nikolett Toth @tothnikolett_ Asia @asiatophu Mega Model Hamburg @megamodelagency Budapest Botanic Garden Kimberley SE Photography @yourgirlkimbo Avee Kalra @aveekalra
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Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
Print: $29.99 +
Digital: $15.00
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
Print: $29.99 +
Digital: $15.00