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Published by:
William Robinson
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
20 pages Perfect-bound
Health & Fitness
The New 30(years of age)

50 years of age and still young! Newly acquired tastes and lifestyle. Interesting automobiles, rejuvenating diet plans, work-outs, entertainment......maybe a lean prime-rib on rye, glass of wine on a grassy knoll at an outdoor Jazz concert..........ahh, Life begins!

Articles will feature modern day "how-to's". I will set a tone of "you can do this!", generating a positive mental attitude into every reader.

Healthy looking and living

Yoga: adding light weights to yoga for muscle mass.

Medicine on trees: God produces raw fruits and vegetables to prevent and cure all of our ailments.

Heavy weights/Low reps: Building mass for those with hi-metabolism.

Muscle car: The Plain-Jane, Grandma's Ford Crown Victoria can be tweaked into a formidable "smokin street-sleeper" machine.(and continue to enjoy Lincoln-like comfort!)

Your Finances: The Financial Meltdown; who's really at fault? Let me tell you about, "Derivatives."........

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