Dadavani Magazine:

Accomplish Your Work (Hindi Dadavani May-2012)

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Published by:
Dada Bhagwan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
30 pages Perfect-bound
accomplish, Kam Kadhi lo, work

Who except the Gnani can explain the incomprehensible secrets behind the phrase ‘extract and accomplish the work’? It is the Gnani’s total compassion that is overflowing behind these words. ‘Hey mortal being! You have attained such a unique science, now at least wake up!’ Infinite life times have been wasted away behind this body and relatives of this body, now if you follow according to Gnani’s dictates this one life, then there is no one who can halt Your moksha. One would have khumari (the vigor of non-fluctuating spiritual energy) of attaining Gnan (Self-realization), but along with this one should have very same khumari for following the five Agnas with awakened awareness. Five Agnas is the essence of all the scriptures. Now what is left? ‘Agna is verily the religion and Agna is verily the penance.’

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Dadavani Magazine: Accomplish Your Work (Hindi Dadavani May-2012)

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