Dadavani Magazine:

From being emotional to being Natural (Gujarati Dadavani January-2005)

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Published by:
Dada Bhagwan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
26 pages Perfect-bound
emotional, Naturalness, Sahajata

In this world, human life's main support is ego & because of ego there is emergence of intellect. Nature of this intellect is to make one emotional. One often says, 'I have so much love & attachment towards you', but this attachment has occurred through intellect & it ultimately causes pain & suffering. This is because emotional attachment is not real attachment. Real attachment or real love is heartily. Only an enlightened being can unfold true meaning of attachment. For the love-attachment between husband-wife, parents-children, Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says that ‘from being emotional come into motion’. Or else, these emotional attachments will result in uneasiness. An enlightened being is natural & spontaneous in any every situation & only he can show us the path to become natural & spontaneous. This edition of Dadavani is compilation of many keys given by Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan which will help the reader to progress from being emotional to being natural & spontaneous.

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Dadavani Magazine: From being emotional to being Natural (Gujarati Dadav...

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