Dadavani Magazine:

Opposing & Condemning is different (Gujarati Dadavani December-1996)

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Published by:
Dada Bhagwan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
26 pages Perfect-bound
Criticize, Opposition, Viradhna, Virodh

Often in our lives we end up condemning, opposing, criticizing, taunting & insulting other people & things. But should we really spend energies in these things? Do we even know consequences of indulging into it? Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says condemning causes harm to our own self. The main reason behind people falling down the path of spiritual progress is condemnation. We should not even condemn what is wrong then the question of condemning what is right does not arise at all. One who condemns is dragged to lower life forms. Moreover, we should refrain from disclosing faults of others in open as it causes hurdles in attaining absolute knowledge. Taunting is another deed that brings obstruction on our Knowledge. One who criticizes can turn back by doing Pratikraman. In this edition of Dadavani, Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan discloses the consequences of condemning so let us understand it and stop ourselves from doing it.

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