- Publisher:
Thrice Fiction
- Since:
- 2010
Welcome to Thrice Fiction magazine! Published three times a year, Thrice Fiction is filled with stories, art, and a few surprises from a variety of talented contributors.
Publications in Thrice Fiction
21-27 of 27 Publications
Thrice Fiction: March, 2013
Stories include... The Happy Couple by Gessy Alvarez • Distance by Susan Tepper • Cents of Wonder Rhymes with Orange by David S. Atkinson •…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $11.80 Digital: Free! -
Thrice Fiction: November, 2012
Stories include... Absent by Kevin Tosca • Bypassed by Don Thompson • Ash by Gloria Garfunkel • The Book of Joel by Robyn Parnell • Apartment 461,…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $7.40 Digital: Free! -
Thrice Fiction: July, 2012
Stories include... Casino and The Photographer by Susan Tepper • Feminine Rage by Gessy Alvarez • ILUAAF by Janice D. Soderling • Spilling Out by…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $9.00 Digital: Free! -
Thrice Fiction: March, 2012
Stories include... snow was general, dublin on a wet day, and how i came into the world by James Claffey • Horny by Lynn Beighley • Telltale and The…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $7.80 Digital: Free! -
Thrice Fiction: November, 2011 - TIME
This issue's theme? Time. Stories include... Time Heals by Jeff Swanson • Time Capsule by Aleathia Drehmer • Still Life by Robert Kroese • Time by…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $5.80 Digital: Free! -
Thrice Fiction: July, 2011 - PERFECT
This issue's theme? Perfect. Stories include... Free Country by Ann Bogle • Perfect by Jack Foley • The Fire at Paradise Creek by Brandon Rogers •…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $8.60 Digital: Free! -
Thrice Fiction: March, 2011 - THE END
Welcome to the debut of Thrice Fiction magazine! Published three times a year, Thrice Fiction is filled with stories, art, and a few surprises from a…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $5.80 Digital: Free!