Takako Oishi (takakooishi)

Takako Oishi

Born in 1980 in Kagoshima, Japan – today, Oishi is an artist based in New York City. Oishi received her bachelor’s in Fine Art from Kyoto University of Art and Design in Kyoto, Japan and her master’s in Fine Art from Hunter College in New York City, U.S.A. She employs video, photography and performance as vehicles for social critique.

Her engagement with social issues, however, goes beyond art; she has spearheaded several projects designed to support artists and the art environment in Japan. For example, she started the “Art and Akaji Project” (“akaji” means “debt”) to discuss how financial issues impact art in Japan. She also created Art-Honyaku.com (“honyaku” means “translation”) to decrease the language “gap” between Japanese and international artists and art businesses.

During her graduate studies, she was awarded the William Graf Travel Abroad Scholarship Award and was invited to the North American Graduate Art Survey at the University of Minnesota. She also was invited to ART week at Artis Den Bosch in the Netherlands. Her work has been included in solo and group shows in New York City, Berlin, Mexico City, Vancouver, Tokyo and Kyoto.

大石 貴子 1980年、鹿児島県生まれ。 京都造形芸術大学情報デザイン学科卒業後、カナダとアメリカに留学。ニューヨーク市立大学、ハンター校大学院にて修士号を所得する。

ビデオと写真、パフォーマンスを専門とし、社会的なテーマでの作品制作に打ち込む。また、アーティストとしての活動以外に、日本のアーティストをとりまく環境の改善と、アートある豊かな社会を目標に、さまざまな活動を展開する。主な活動に、「AAプロジェクトーアートと赤字の問題を考える(aa-project.org)」、「アート翻訳ドットコム( arthonyaku.com)」などがある。

