Cool Stuff For Camping (coolstuffcamping)

Whether you are purchasing your first hammock or the next, or you are upgrading your small tent to a family tent we have all the information you need to make an educated purchase at Cool Stuff for Camping. We take the time to research, test and write product reviews for the most worthy products in the market.

We review camping products in four categories; hammocks, sleeping bags, lanterns and camping tents. Our mission is to provide you with unbiased and detailed reviews that will make it easy for you to purchase the right camping gear. We also have comparison charts in all the categories that make it easy for you to cut through the noise and get to the best product for you in just a couple of minutes.

The staff at Cool Stuff For Camping is composed of experts in the different fields so you can rest assured that every piece of content is created by people who are competent and passionate about the products they are reviewing.

At we also offer tips, hacks and advice that will save you time, money and energy while enjoying the outdoors. We endeavor to be the one stop place that all campers can get any information they need to make educated purchase decisions.

Visit our website today at to access the most detailed and unbiased camping product reviews on the internet. We take time to research and test the products so you will never make a dump purchase again.

Cool Stuff for Camping is the one stop shop for information, expert advice and product reviews for camping enthusiasts. Simply put, we are the authority on camping gear. We offer exceptional product reviews for camping gear that are written only after we have tested the products out and after a lot of extensive research.

Finding the right camping gear whether a lantern or a sleeping bag can be confusing. For instance what should be the temperature rating for the sleeping bag? What is the best fill material for a sleeping bag? What material is the best for a hammock? Is a hammock safe for your back? There is a lot of information you need right off the bat to be able to make the right decision when buying camping gear.

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Cool Stuff For Camping

Phone: (877) 736-9775


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