Facial Skincare (angelauy)

When you are in your thirties, your skin has more problems to deal with, including adult acne. It is important to take care of your skin on a daily basis in order to keep it beautiful. The advantage of a home facial device is that you can easily take care of your skin at home without having to spend a lot of money or time going to a beauty salon. It's also convenient for busy people in their 30s to be able to use it at any time without being tied down by appointment times! In this article, we'll introduce 16 facial care products recommended for people in their 30s. In this article, we'll introduce you to 16 of the best facial care products for people in their 30s, as well as tips on how to choose the right facial care products and how to use them effectively!

Types and advantages of home facial devices

The most important thing to look for when choosing a facial device is whether or not it has the right functions for your skin concerns.

There are five main types of home facial equipment, some of which specialize in one function, and some of which have a combination of various functions.

Multifunctional facial device Facial rollers Facial steamers Water peeling Facial masks

First, let's sort out the functions and effects of the five different types of facial equipment. It will be easier for you to choose the right product if you understand what effect each function is expected to have and think about which function your skin needs right now.

Facial massager: Roll the roller directly on your face or body to care for your skin while you work.

Facial massagers can be rolled over the skin for easy care. You can use it whenever you feel like it, without any preparation, such as while watching TV or using your phone. With the electric facial massager, it is possible to stimulate muscles with a weak electric current. It is also easy to use not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body that you want to stimulate with pinpoint accuracy.

Facial steamer: Steam to prepare before skin care

A facial steamer can moisturize your skin by bathing it in warm steam. By softening the skin before skincare, it helps skincare cosmetics to blend better. Also, if you use it when cleansing, you can easily remove dirt without rubbing your skin excessively, reducing the burden on your skin. If it is a stationary type, it can be used hands-free, making it ideal for beauty while you work.

Water peeling: Water and ultrasonic waves make it easy to remove dirt from pores

Water peeling uses ultrasonic waves to create a mist of water that blows away pore dirt and dead skin cells. It is less stimulating than scrubbing because you just slide the head, and it leads to healthier skin. There are products that have complex functions other than ultrasonic waves, so there are more options than you might think.

Facial masks: Wear it on your face and get a good care while keeping your hands free.

A facial mask is a mask-type facial device that does not require you to move your hands during use. Although it looks impressive, it can be used hands-free, making it ideal for beauty while using. So far, most of them are equipped with a single function of EMS or LED. The machine moves on its own while in use, so it is easy to use and easy to continue using.