Havok Magazine:

Havok July 2017

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Published by:
Splickety Publishing Group
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
20 pages Saddle-stitched
Sci-fi & Fantasy
Clashes, Cthulhu, Fates, Firebird, flash fiction, Mash Ups, Medusa, Mermaids, Mount Olympus, Mythical Creatures, Ragnarok, Rumpelstiltskin, short stories, sirens, unicorn, vampires, werewolves

For this year’s contest theme, Mythical Clashes, we asked for stories filled with battles of legendary proportions, combining mythical creatures and places all thrown together. As always, the stories submitted were brilliant and imaginative. The finalists fill the following pages with creatures and characters both familiar and new in battles big and small. The top three stories, The Last Stand of the Mer, by Sheri Yutzy, Chiron’s Crew, by Steve Rzasa, and Siren’s Kiss, by Clint Hall, were sent to our revered Featured Author, Dave Farland, for final round judging. And so, it is with great pleasure, that I announce the winner of this year’s contest, Clint Hall, with Siren’s Kiss, and the runner up, Steve Rzasa, with Chiron’s Crew! Congratulations, Clint! Enjoy your grand prize, and as always, thanks for doing your part to help in Splickety’s quest for world domination!

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Havok Magazine: Havok July 2017

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