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Published by:
Kelly Hoernig
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
60 pages Perfect-bound
art, art book, art course, art instruction, color pencil, colored pencil, holiday, kelly hoernig, mixed media, online course, vintage

Vintage Wishes, a colored pencil adventure, is both a book and an online course all in one. Filled with charming vignettes reminiscent of the past these eight projects are sure to delight and brighten any home for the holidays! The designs are done on wood, paper, old book covers as surfaces with paper alternatives for each and every project. The step-by-step instructions, drawings, sectioning maps and progressive photos will make color pencil application easy to follow. A link to the video course includes pre-recorded lessons for each project so you can watch me create from start to finish plus techniques such as tracing the pattern, color application and book repurposing. Over 10+ hours of video included with this 60 page book.

Also in in the studio with Kelly Hoernig

1 other publication

in the studio with Kelly Hoernig: Vintage Wishes

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