Frisson Art (FrissonArt)

Frisson Art are a husband and wife team based in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Pepper Walker is a talented make-up artist who attends all of her husbands photo-shoots. She also works independently as a make-up artist for weddings, proms and other glamorous occasions.

Terry Walker was born in 1965 and raised in London, England. He was first introduced to the art of photography when he was 19 years old and he was particularly impressed with the French photographer Jeanloup Sieff.

He received his first camera in 1985, a fully manual, Russian built "Zenit 11", but it wasn't until 2005 and the purchase of his first digital camera that he was freed from the financial considerations of film, and was able to focus more on developing his craft.

One of the driving forces behind our work is the belief that beauty is not confined to one shape, one size, or one color. Instead of trying to mold our subjects into a preconceived idea of beauty, we seek out the beauty that is in everyone, and then proceeds to capture that in our images.

Collection: Frisson Art Magazine

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