The Patriots Almanac (tm)

The Patriots Almanac

Civics in the fullness of America's founding documents is seldom taught in our elementary schools or at our kitchen tables. Daily life is tapped into "tweets," "textings" or a shorthand that harkens to the dots and dashes of Morse Code.

The Patriots Almanac is designed to bridge the gap between 18th-century principles and 21st-century perspective. It can fit easily into a laptop or a backpack.

In today's America, there is little time to learn American history, let alone discuss the meaning of what it is to be an American. Yet each generation must know our heritage and teach its principles if this nation is to endure.

Our intent is to reset the cornerstone of the authentic political movement begun in California and Atlanta in 2009 with the founding of the nationwide Tea Party Patriots, whose mission is to promote free-market principles, constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility and liberty.

We invite you and your family to join our restored revolution for America.

Publications in The Patriots Almanac (tm)

4 Publications

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