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Published by:
Dilyan Damyanov
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
32 pages Perfect-bound
video games, war

The war issue.

For all their immaturity, games are more than children’s toys. They may or may not be art, but they are a medium that can be used to handle difficult topics in a mature way. Our goal with this zine is to prove that games, much like film and literature, are inextricably linked to real life. For our first issue, we could think of no topic more current or relevant than war. Violence, and war in particular, have always been a huge part of gaming; and you only have to turn on your TV to confirm that they are equally as frequent occurences in our everyday routines. Why is that and what does it mean? Thirty pages are hardly enough to answer these questions, but we can at least start talking about them.

Also in ctrl+alt+defeat

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  • Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"

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  • Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"

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