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Published by:
Chris Sullivan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
36 pages Saddle-stitched

POLLACKEYSTUFF! Originated from 30 cans of paint donated to the Marin Resource Recovery Center that Jack Soman, a sculptor from Bolinas with /17 foot metal rooster, chose for an antioxidant coating; gathered these in a empty building over a blue tarp, lay the rooster on it’s side and began chucking, dripping, flinging, splattering and tossing. A few weeks later the rooster was entirely coated, dried, cured and evacuated to Jack's backyard. The tarp was left behind - and upon it lay, undulating in gloss, attractivity and allure: whole sheets of POLLACKEYSTUFF! Attached to the tarp with little surface tension, I easily lifted it. I could have covered a wall with this harvest: instead I shaped it into balls. Immature POLLACKEYSTUFF! Is pliant, and it wants to flake and fall apart. To shape a sphere I wrapped it tight with shrink to fit in the palm of my hand. A ball fit into my coat pocket like a baby kangaroo and I walked with them for weeks, compressing, squeezing, and shaping the latex of it's give.

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