On the Easel

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Published by:
RoByn Thompson
Standard / 10.75" x 8.25"
44 pages Wire-O
art, Artists, artwork, painting, visual art, work in progress

On The Easel (OTE), a new hybrid digital/paper magazine of works in progress. We want to see the mess. We want to show the struggles. Each page includes a full page image of an artist's work in progress or a detail from it. Links to more of their work and a paragraph about their process are also included. It's available for free online and print copies are available at cost. Why do you want works-in-progress instead of my completed artwork? Many people aspire to be artists and quit when they get to the messy parts. I want to show work during its awkward teen years in the hopes that it will inspire folks to push through to bring it to fruition

On the Easel

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