Les Femmes Nues:

Les Femmes Nues Vol 55

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Published by:
Not The Mall Studio
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
40 pages Perfect-bound
art, artistic, erotica, Glamour, nude, pretty, Sensual, sexy

Another issue of firsts. Melsiisa Trout who has been in the magazine before returns for her first cover. Thanks to Lithium Dreams Art. Troy Pierce Photography has two sets with new models Anna-Marie and Cookey. We look forward to seeing more from all of them. Old Line Freelance studio returns with a new set of Jazmine Leigh. Another new model, Bre, makes her debut courtesy of Not The Mall Studio. Daisy and Gabby provide the illustration for the latest poem by Lady Annia. Too steam! As always Camille Deviliuna muses on beauty this month with Jiron and Princess B.

Also in Les Femmes Nues

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Les Femmes Nues: Les Femmes Nues Vol 55

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