Lustre Magazine:

Lustre Magazine - Vol. 03

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Published by:
Lustre Magazine
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
74 pages Perfect-bound
Annamarie Tabo, Taisha Garcia

Step into the realm of Sugar Cloud Lofts, where each corner whispers tales of elegance and sophistication. Model Annamarie Tabo, as seen through the lens of Denverine Photo, embodies the epitome of grace, her presence a captivating dance of poise and allure. Alongside her, Taisha Garcia's magnetic charisma, captured by the same lens, adds a radiant glow to every frame. As you explore the curated space, adorned with the finest creations, let their energy guide you through a journey of style and ambiance. Here, amidst the chic ambiance of Denver, CO, circa 2021, fashion finds its home, and beauty knows no bounds. Welcome to Sugar Cloud Lofts, where every detail, from the models' captivating essence to the exquisite designs, tells a story of timeless elegance and unparalleled allure

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Lustre Magazine: Lustre Magazine - Vol. 03

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