The Rhode Island Republican

Travis Rowley

With the release of his second book, Travis Rowley exposes radical elements within the RI Democrat Party, and the far-left ideology that guides the party in power. Rowley takes readers through a dissection of the leftist mind, exposing not only the true Democratic agenda, but the political gall and prowess that have enabled Democrats to dupe Rhode Islanders into habitually voting back into power those people who have bankrupted the state. Despite the devastation they have wrought by almost entirely socializing Ocean State industry, Democrats somehow still command the loyalty of Rhode Island voters. A state well-known for its corruption and its allegiance to special interests is now known for its atrocious economy. And Rowley pulls no punches from those who he feels deserve the harshest reprimand. Then he offers his readers the only remedy to their state’s dire economic conditions – uplift a team of conservative Republicans into higher office to undue what the Democrats have done.

Publications in The Rhode Island Republican

1 Publication

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