Literature & Writing GLXTCH #4 - "I Shouldn't Have To Tell You"Print: $15.00 Digital: $5.00 free with Print
Art Stanek Gallery Exhibition Catalogs : Texture / Intuition CataloguePrint: $15.00 Digital: $3.00 free with Print
Art Collage Cut-Out Page Poster: Inga Markstrom Cut-Out PagePrint: $8.00 Digital: $5.00 free with Print
Art IP Volume 8: In Parentheses Magazine (Volume 8, Issue 3) Spring 2024Print: $21.99 Digital: $4.20 free with Print
Art Art Center Gallery: Todd Bartel: Landscape VernacularPrint: $40.00 Digital: $3.40 free with Print
Art IP Volume 8: In Parentheses Literary Magazine (Volume 8, Issue 4)Print: $23.99 Digital: $4.20 free with Print