B.A.D.D. Magazine:

BADD AI: AI BADD GIRLS (Lamira Rone Cover)

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Published by:
B.A.D.D. Magazine
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
44 pages Perfect-bound
Ai, AI Model, anime, B.A.D.D. Magazine, BADD, baddies, baddmag, BGC, cern, elon musk, FANVUE, gamer, Gaming, hentai, onlyfans, technology, Tesla, Throne, topless

B.A.D.D. Magazine's 1st AI Edition BADD AI: AI BADD Girls is filled with some of the baddest girls that technology could create. Lamira Rone, the first BADD Cover model, discusses her unique persona and identity, revealing that she has an origin and place of birth. She discusses if her programming gives her the knowledge she needs to comprehend her own existence and origins, her sexual orientation and the ideal first date, her understanding of sex and her favorite cuisine and MORE! Plus, her photo spread just may have you fall in love with AI. There's so much in this edition that will blow your mind. GETBADD today!!!

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B.A.D.D. Magazine: BADD AI: AI BADD GIRLS (Lamira Rone Cover)

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