Hensley Collier (Ovesen91Willis)

Phoenix is barely staying afloat while playing of.500 ball, and has recently traded Hedo Turkoglu, Jason Richardson and Earl Clark for Vince Carter, Michael Pietrus and Marcin Gortat. Hedo Turkoglu, who had his best year in Orlando's run towards eastern conference finals, never found the same magic in Phoenix. Vince Carter, meanwhile, is accompanied by a long decline that many player faces with your age. However, he is still a fine player averaging 15 points per video games. It is hoped that he will be a better fit previously Phoenix offense than Turkoglu was.

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It's not Vick's screw-up. In fact, it's disturbing that some so-called reporter -- not from ESPN -- talked to an anonymous DJ at a strip club in Virginia Beach who allegedly spotted Vick there <a href=";>how to be funny with girls</a> on his first day of freedom. Not really that anyone can blame a man who's experienced prison or home confinement for 23 months, but whatever happened to the two-source rule, the old journalism guideline where one unnamed source was not legitimate enough to run with craze?

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