Hills Gastroenterology (hillsgastroenterology)

We are a team of dedicated, caring professionals who provide the highest quality care available to their patients. With years of experience and top-of-the-line medical technology, you can rest assured thereís no better health care option for your gastroenterological needs.

From simple to advanced procedures, our Sydney gastroenterologists minimize risk and discomfort from your arrival to your post-procedure departure with superb before-and after-care.

Traditional procedures, such as colonoscopies and gastroscopies, are expertly performed to examine the lower and upper GI tracts, while capsule endoscopies can image hard-to-reach areas with almost no risk; they possess the necessary resources to employ a comprehensive strategy for your gastrointestinal health.

With multiple locations around Sydney, our gastroenterlogy practice offers convenient access for our patients and easy appointment booking over the phone. Just call us directly or fill out an enquiry form on our website and weíll contact you within a single business day.