Deleon Scott (cheesephone4)

No, this does not happen just here and there. It happens all over the country. In various states, the water from the tap has been tested and the contaminants are very often at a level that is higher than the EPA does allow, which means that you could be endangering your health if you are drinking the water from your tap.

What the Water Diet actually is, to put it simply, is drinking a lot of water whilst eating normally or additionally following some other healthy diet. One popular method is to eat normally and drink an 8-oz glass of cold water shortly before every meal, another one during and another one shortly after. This is known as the Before, During and After Diet. A slight variation on this, and believed to be a more effective method, is to combine the water drinking with a more conventional diet that has been recommended by your nutritionist. In any case, the most important component of any Water Diet is that at least eight 8-oz glasses of cold water are drank every day.

You know the thing that turned me around? It's simple. Our water comes from deep underground where it has been in contact with the rocks far down in the earth's crust. That contact, in those extreme conditions, dissolves minerals from the rocks and when the water eventually rises up again into the systems we use for drinking water those minerals are available to us. And we must have them, because our bodies absolutely depend on these natural minerals to function properly. Without are sickly.

When we diet it is natural to try to eliminate all fats from our meals; however our body needs fat to burn fat! The type of fat you choose however makes all the difference. Polyunsaturated fats are the good guys; these fats help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. The three good for you fats for cooking are olive oil, coconut oil and real butter. Yes real butter, not the highly processed spreads that abound in the dairy aisle. Foods that contain the good fats are organic eggs, real butter, wild salmon and nuts.

Some plants provide more oxygen for the fishes, some have good smell, some plants are just attractive and pleasant to the eyes, and others make the pond or body of Water healthy. Having fishes in your water garden also make it more attractive and help prevent the spread of insects in the environment.

Our body, as our vehicle that helps us get around the earth, can only perform optimally when given optimal fuel (water and food). Just as the quality of fuel we put in our motor vehicle influences how well it performs, the same principle applies with the quality of fuel we put in our bodies.

Water is the most important element in your body's total health and fitness. You would not survive without water. Water keeps you hydrated and does many amazing things for your body and health. Your body is 65-70% water and your muscles 70% water. Water helps in food digestion. It lubricates your joints. It takes nutrients all the way through your body and sustains many systems and functions of your body. It takes waste out of your body.