Daniel Leach Jr (AntiNewWorldOrderParty)

We of the ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER PARTY find overwhelming the documented evidence that a powerful secret society that styled itself as the “New World Order” is trying to rule the States in defiance of their respective and collective principles and constitutions.

This “New World Order” (or “N.W.O.”) is a burgeoning bureaucratic globalist government. It is a covert élite that conspires to rule the globe via a totalitarian world government, which would abrogate nation-states (including the U.S.A.).*

We are fully convinced that all the N.W.O. globalists, including many local leaders, have richly flagged themselves as traitors and enemy combatants against the legitimate citizenship and citizenry (i.e. you and me). Being that your average judge, businessman, banker, politician etc. now tend to be members of the New World Order’s various subsidiary cults, members of the ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER PARTY see that its clubs recruit from among society’s respected, revered and influential. Moreover, we deem it vital that the information warrior, for his own protection, take note that lodge oaths bind globalists to favor “brothers” against outsiders (lying if necessary), both inside and outside the courts of law.

In other words, the New World Order controls key offices and uses their authority to further the fraternity’s agenda. Because they occultly control officials, they are forever obstructing justice and routinely taking unfair advantage of honest citizens. If sound government is ever to be restored, all the New World Order globalists must be purged from office and prosecuted.

It is up to true Americans to defeat and never support the disgusting conspirators. That is the ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER PARTY’s whole uniting purpose. Are you sick and tired of our sick and tired state of affairs? Join today!

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________ * Headline events in government and economics are masterminded by a single cabal operating through multiple front organizations. Mysterious events initiate chapters in an continuous storyline of world domination by means of gatherings and decision-making processes. The N.W.O. conspired to create the “Federal Reserve” in 1913 and later formed the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 as a shadow-government (or “cryptocracy”) to invade the U.S.A. from within.