ACT Magazines (ACTMagazines)

This magazine is a fun, entertaining guide and resource for the performing artist and industry professional who is considering or are currently involved in the entertainment business.

Do you want to be a star? Do you love to perform? Do you have that feeling that you are destined to be on stage, in the movies or on the runway? Do you love being behind the camera? Are you a screenwriter, director, producer, sound engineer or other? ACT Magazine is a magazine for YOU! It is written and produced by industry professionals who know the business and want to share their knowledge.

It is our goal to help new and veteran talent navigate the winding path to Hollywood success. We want to help you grow and learn in a positive way. Both ACT Like a Pro Magazine and ACT Like a Child Magazine provides advice, industry know-how, inspirational stories and awesome tips to prepare you for the ride of a lifetime! Live your dreams of working in the entertainment industry. Join us today!