Tags: spirituality

  • Books: Aptavani-5 (In Hindi)

    संसार प्राकृतिक परिस्थितियों के प्रभाव से उत्त्पन्न परिणाम पर ही चलता है। ऐसी परिस्थिति में ‘मैं कर हूँ’ ऐसी गलत धारणा की उत्पत्ति होती है। इस…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $44.60 Digital: $2.00
  • Books: Aptavani-6 (In Hindi)

    ‘अटकण’ की वजह से हम अनंत जन्मो से भटक रहे है|हकीकत में खुद के पास आत्मा का परमानंद है, परंतु दैहिक सुखों की अटकणों में डूब गए है| यह अटकण ज्ञानीपुरुष…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $55.00 Digital: $2.00
  • Books: Who am I? (In Hindi)

    केवल जीवन जी लेना, जीवन नहीं है। जीवन में कोई ऊँचा लक्ष्य प्राप्त करने का ध्येय होना चाहिए। ‘मैं कौन हूँ’, इस सवाल का जवाब प्राप्त करना ही जीवन का…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $12.60 Digital: $1.00
  • Books: Worries (In Spanish)

    In today’s world, worry, stress and anxiety seem to have become part of daily life. Yet, who doesn’t wish to stop worrying, or wonder how to cure…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $11.00 Digital: $1.00
  • Books: Who am I? (In Portuguese)

    Who hasn’t asked themselves what there is to life beyond just living? What is true purpose in life? There must be higher purpose than just living……

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $19.00 Digital: $1.00
  • Books: Worries (In German)

    In today’s world, worry, stress and anxiety seem to have become part of daily life. Yet, who doesn’t wish to stop worrying, or wonder how to cure…

    Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"
    Print: $9.00 Digital: $1.00
  • Books: Right understanding of helping others (In German)

    Those seeking to lead a spiritual life, or just wondering how to become more spiritual may become inspired towards serving others, or giving Seva…

    Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"
    Print: $9.64 Digital: $1.00
  • Books: Pure Love (In German)

    For those wondering how to become more spiritual, or how to lead a spiritual life, Pure Love emerges as an essential value. Naturally one begins…

    Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"
    Print: $14.12 Digital: $1.50
  • Books: Who am I? (In German)

    Who hasn’t asked themselves what there is to life beyond just living? What is true purpose in life? There must be higher purpose than just living……

    Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"
    Print: $16.68 Digital: $1.00
  • Books: Aptavani-6

    In the sixth book of the "Aptavani" series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan explains that spiritual awakening occurs upon understanding “Who am I?” and…

    Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"
    Print: $51.88 Digital: $2.00

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