Tags: empowerment

  • Women Power 242022

    Front Cover: Alycia Michelle & Back Cover: Leilani Morlatt The stars of this issue: Catrina Belle Alycia Michelle Ugorji Onyinye Victoria…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $17.15 Digital: $13.99
  • Utopia Gals Posters 1242022

    Front Cover: 50% of our Utopia Gals Back Cover: The other 50% of our Utopia Gals Featuring: Love Bug Shay Jones Bunny Dacey Monroe Ebony…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $15.95 Digital: $13.95
  • January 2022: Kim Lee

    This issue features the upcoming year's hottest trends in beauty and fashion as well as today's most influential individuals, including Kim Lee,…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $22.20 Digital: Free!
  • January 2022: Tefi

    This issue features the upcoming year's hottest trends in beauty and fashion as well as today's most influential individuals, including Tefi, Brenda…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $22.20 Digital: Free!
  • January 2022: Brenda Costa

    This issue features the upcoming year's hottest trends in beauty and fashion as well as today's most influential individuals, including Brenda Costa,…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $22.20 Digital: Free!
  • Biz & Fashion JAN 2022 Issue 43

    Start the New Year with cheers and motivation. This issue is all about empowering women with glam and sports. Setting goals, trying new things, and…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $28.99 Digital: $9.99
  • Women Power 1152022

    -A magazine about women, by women, and of course, FOR WOMEN! -Women need a much stronger voice, so here we are! -Articles on women's health, art,…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $15.95 Digital: $13.95
  • elleven magazine JAN 22

    Featuring strong women — in image — and in words of growth, healing, and faith. And above all else, make this the time in your life to be BOLD!

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $25.20 Digital: $11.00
  • Utopia Gals 132022

    Our purpose is to show the beauty of every woman, to uplift all women, and to show our awesome womanly powers!

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $15.95 Digital: $13.49
  • Chaos Chix 122022

    Chaos*Chix noun a member of a movement of feminists associated with being outspoken, unique, role models. Join our modeling troop! All…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $15.95 Digital: $13.49

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